Electronic Monitoring Series Part 2 of 3: Risk Assessment Instruments and the Role they Play in Electronic Monitoring Programs
In Orleans Parish, the eligibility criteria for juvenile Electronic Monitoring (EM) clearly requires a child to have a RAI score of 10-11. Unclear, however, is how these scores are calculated and what they mean for public safety.   But what is an RAI? Risk Assessment Instruments are tools used to assess a defendant’s risk to themselves […]
An Exploration into New Orleans’ Electronic Monitoring Program: Part 1 of 3
With the intense controversy and scrutiny over electronic monitoring in New Orleans, we at LCCR decided to investigate ankle monitors, how and why they are used in the juvenile legal system, and how electronic monitoring affects our kids. In this series of three articles, we will: explore EM’s benefits and limitations, examine the role Risk Assessment Instruments play in EM participation, and review EM’s current usage and controversy in New Orleans.