Youth held at Angola allege violence from guards, extended lockdown in lawsuit
An incarcerated youth said guards at a controversial juvenile justice facility recently opened on the grounds of Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola have hit young people and used mace multiple times to restrain them. Daniel ,incarcerated youth , said he no longer has access to substance abuse treatment, and Edward complained about the schooling. He said that […]
Louisiana could pay lawyers up to $415,000 to defend putting incarcerated youth at Angola
Gov. John Bel Edwards’ administration has agreed to pay private attorneys hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend his plan to house incarcerated youth at one of the country’s largest maximum-security prisons for adults.  The Office of Juvenile Justice initially hired Butler Snow LLP to cover litigation related to the opening of a juvenile facility at […]
OJJ seeks to deny attorneys’ push for more access and information on youth conditions in Angola
The state is attempting to deny advocates from seeking information about the conditions and services being provided to the kids held in the Angola facility. This denial of access is a pattern of behavior from OJJ. Aaron Clark Rizzio, LCCR Co-Executive director states “All of our clients and their families understand the message that OJJ […]
Sending children to Angola increases chances of recidivism
New Orleans pediatric physicians join in the recent op-ed by Demario Davis and Malcolm Jenkins to strongly oppose the relocation of our youth from juvenile detention facilities to Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. Security issues that led to this decision aren’t the fault of the children; they should be given the opportunity to rehabilitate, not be sent […]
CJ McCollum: Public safety and criminal justice reform go hand in hand
CJ McCollum, New Orleans Pelican, has penned an op-ed that plainly states: “Public safety and criminal justice reform are not mutually exclusive”.  This op-ed highlights the critical juvenile justice advocacy efforts done by Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights. Read his full op-ed here
Pelican Institute for Public Policy, new report recommends smart-on-crime policies that increase public safety and reduce the revolving door in and out of prison.
“Public safety reform is too important not to get right,” and “Decisions should be grounded in facts and data, and reforms should reflect proven policy that increases public safety, reduces crime, and makes the best use of scarce tax-payer dollars. Pelican Institute CEO Daniel Erspamer said in a press release. Read more here
Everyday Violence Against Children
The criminal punishment system targets poor children and children of color for the harshest treatment without addressing the root causes of crime. Malcolm Lloyd, a former juvenile investigator for the Orleans Public Defenders office writes a powerful piece on the modern history of the juvenile justice system and how it has failed our children, and […]
Why the Missouri Model?
U.S. District Court Judge Shelly Dick issued a ruling that will allow Louisiana to move forward with its proposed plan to house adjudicated youth in a facility on the grounds of the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. This decision contradicts everything we know about youth facilities. As the former director of the Missouri Division of Youth Services […]
Malcolm Jenkins and Demario Davis: Children shouldn’t be punished for Louisiana’s failings
Louisiana has failed the children in its care in the Office of Juvenile Justice facilities and is planning to punish those children for its failings. The state’s plan to move children to the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola will exacerbate the harms to those children and make Louisiana less safe. Malcolm Jenkins, a former New Orleans Saint, […]
How The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Impacting Special Education Access.
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools around the country to close in March 2020, children incarcerated in secure care facilities in Louisiana were left without any educational services for months. Many of LCCR’s clients were affected by this crisis, and they experienced significant learning loss and isolation as a result of educational gaps.  Students with […]