Renisha’s journey as a young mother in the legal system
We first met “Renisha” as a 12th grader with a three-year-old little boy of her own. She had been arrested on charges of aggravated assault, which threatened to upend her and her child's lives. She wanted more than anything to give her son the stable life that she never had herself. Here's how LCCR helped.
Children incarcerated on the former death row unit of Louisiana’s Angola prison were locked in their cells without air conditioning for several days this month amid scorching summer temperatures, according to a teenager held at the facility. The child, identified by the pseudonym Charles C., said in a statement to his attorney that the kids were only let out […]
The Sentencing Project’s Latest Report: Why Youth Incarceration Fails – a Brief Synopsis of Key Findings and Recommendations
Our friends at The Sentencing Project recently released an incredible new report that we wanted to bring to your attention - Why Youth Incarceration Fails: An Updated Review of the Evidence. We absolutely recommend giving this report a full read. However, we also acknowledge that not everyone has the time to take such a deep dive. As such, we wanted to provide this brief overview of the report's key findings and recommendations.
A Celebration to Remember!
What an wonderful evening! On March 23, we welcomed more than 200 guests to our annual Celebration for Children’s Rights. What’s more, we raised a record-breaking $82,231 to fund our work with children in the legal system. We can think of no better way to spend a beautiful spring evening than to come together with so many of our friends and supporters. Thank you for joining us and making this another Celebration to remember!
Introducing LCCR’s 2023 Calogero Champion of Justice Awardee: Louisiana State Senator Royce Duplessis
With our Celebration for Children’s Rights coming up on March 23rd, we’re excited to introduce our Pascal Calogero Champion of Justice awardee for 2023: Louisiana State Senator Royce Duplessis. Click to learn more about Sen. Duplessis's commitment to youth justice, his partnership with LCCR at the state legislature, and his tireless efforts to make his community a better and more just place.
Come Celebrate With Us 2023!
Join us on Thursday, March 23rd at our annual benefit event -- the Celebration for Children’s Rights -- as we celebrate our successes and come together to make Louisiana a better place for all children. We will also be presenting our Calogero Champion of Justice Award to Louisiana State Senator Royce Duplessis for his tremendous impact on youth justice in the state legislature.
Teens Are Being Sent to Louisiana’s Angola Prison and Held on Its Former Death Row
Many children in the juvenile justice system are survivors of violence and often have significant mental health needs. These children do not need more punishment; they need professional care and support. Most importantly, they need those around them to make clear that they see their potential for a bright future. This is not only what the law […]
Everyday Violence Against Children
The criminal punishment system targets poor children and children of color for the harshest treatment without addressing the root causes of crime. Malcolm Lloyd, a former juvenile investigator for the Orleans Public Defenders office writes a powerful piece on the modern history of the juvenile justice system and how it has failed our children, and […]
FY 2022: What Your Support Made Possible this Year
It's been another huge year for LCCR. We served more than 600 kids between New Orleans and East Baton Rouge, reigned in the state's usage of solitary confinement against children, and exposed the state's opening of a secret juvenile prison. Click here to read all about what your support helped us achieve in FY 2022.
How Calvin stopped sinking deeper into the legal system
For months, Calvin struggled meeting his court requirements, which dug him deeper into the justice system. It wasn’t that Calvin wanted more trouble. The problem was, his family had become homeless. Too often, the justice system compounds difficulties on top of difficulties for kids in Calvin’s position. Here's how LCCR helped.