  • How We're Working to Bring Children Home During COVID-19

    It’s been a month since the COVID-19 crisis upended nearly all of our lives. And LCCR has been fighting harder than ever for the health and safety of children in Louisiana’s justice system. Calling on the Governor – As of right now, Louisiana accounts for a disproportionate amount of all positive COVID-19 cases in juvenile prisons…

  • Over a Dozen Children in State Custody Test Positive

    Louisiana’s cases in juvenile prisons top the nation, by far.

  • How We're Continuing the Fight

    When the COVID-19 crisis began in New Orleans, there were 45 children locked up in the city’s jail, and hundreds more incarcerated throughout the state–all in settings extremely vulnerable to outbreak. Since that moment, LCCR has been working tirelessly to promote the safety and wellbeing of these children, as well as all of the children…