Ryan Hill
The Sentencing Project’s Latest Report: Why Youth Incarceration Fails – a Brief Synopsis of Key Findings and Recommendations
Our friends at The Sentencing Project recently released an incredible new report that we wanted to bring to your attention - Why Youth Incarceration Fails: An Updated Review of the Evidence. We absolutely recommend giving this report a full read. However, we also acknowledge that not everyone has the time to take such a deep dive. As such, we wanted to provide this brief overview of the report's key findings and recommendations.
Jerome’s wish for peace and safety
“Jerome” is an 11th grader who was arrested for carrying a weapon for protection. When his LCCR team first met him, Jerome was quiet, timid, and very scared. Over time, he grew to become very communicative about his needs, even while exhibiting grief and trauma. He badly wants a different life for himself and his family. Here's how we helped.
A Celebration to Remember!
What an wonderful evening! On March 23, we welcomed more than 200 guests to our annual Celebration for Children’s Rights. What’s more, we raised a record-breaking $82,231 to fund our work with children in the legal system. We can think of no better way to spend a beautiful spring evening than to come together with so many of our friends and supporters. Thank you for joining us and making this another Celebration to remember!
Introducing LCCR’s 2023 Calogero Champion of Justice Awardee: Louisiana State Senator Royce Duplessis
With our Celebration for Children’s Rights coming up on March 23rd, we’re excited to introduce our Pascal Calogero Champion of Justice awardee for 2023: Louisiana State Senator Royce Duplessis. Click to learn more about Sen. Duplessis's commitment to youth justice, his partnership with LCCR at the state legislature, and his tireless efforts to make his community a better and more just place.
Shawn’s re-entry after three years in juvenile prison
When Shawn came home from juvenile prison this past August, he was ready to get back to being a normal teenager. He had spent the last three years preparing for his second chance, but the outside world wasn't ready for his return. Kids released from incarceration frequently aren't supported with their re-entry. This gap in services sets them up for failure and creates a revolving door of incarceration. This is where our client services team steps in to help.
How Kentrell battled back from being on the street
We met “Kentrell” as an 11th grader who was completely on his own. Some poor choices led him to be arrested. His father then kicked him out of the house and no other family member would take him in. Here's how we helped.
Learning Interrupted: A Virtual Panel Discussion About the Educational Crisis in Louisiana’s Secure Care Facilities
Please join LCCR on Thursday, October 20 @ 6pm CST via Zoom for a solutions-oriented panel discussion about our latest report on the educational failures in Louisiana’s juvenile prisons—and where we go from here. RSVP today!
FY 2022: What Your Support Made Possible this Year
It's been another huge year for LCCR. We served more than 600 kids between New Orleans and East Baton Rouge, reigned in the state's usage of solitary confinement against children, and exposed the state's opening of a secret juvenile prison. Click here to read all about what your support helped us achieve in FY 2022.
2022 Louisiana Legislative Session: Impact on Juvenile Justice, Criminal Justice, and Voting Rights
On July 7, LCCR and our friends at the Power Coalition for Equity & Justice are coming together to discuss the 2022 Louisiana legislative session. We'll be sharing key legislative victories in juvenile justice, criminal justice, and voting rights, and how they’ll affect you and your community.
How Calvin stopped sinking deeper into the legal system
For months, Calvin struggled meeting his court requirements, which dug him deeper into the justice system. It wasn’t that Calvin wanted more trouble. The problem was, his family had become homeless. Too often, the justice system compounds difficulties on top of difficulties for kids in Calvin’s position. Here's how LCCR helped.